Wednesday, April 24, 2019

2018 MARCH - Buffy's Garden Day

2018, March -  Buffy’s Garden Day

This post 2018 March Buffy’s Garden Day was written by Annie in Austin for the Divas of the Dirt Blog.

We had no meeting in February 2018 but that didn’t stop things from blooming!
Sugar emailed photos of her flowering Quince – 

Eyepopping, aren’t they?

In early March we’d had some perfect gardening weather with moderate temperatures, and the Texas Mountain Laurel looked (and smelled) lovely, all over Austin.

Then the heat sneaked in just in time for Buffy’s garden day… the thermometer read just under 90°F during her meeting, and that night the air temperature was still 77°F at 10pm.

Mindy and Annie came for the morning and early afternoon but then Diva Annie headed to Wimberly for a friend’s concert and Mindy also had other things she had to do.

Buffy was hoping for help with spring maintenance and she’d also been planning Crepe Murder so we’d need pruning tools as well as clipping and weeding tools.

A cheerful bowl with three small pots of golden yellow Kalanchoe was in bloom on the kitchen table, complemented by the shamrock table cloth, a slightly early celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.

We worked on the parkway beds, cutting back the tired plants, weeding and mulching. Karla worked hard on the corner. We’d had some cold weather but the Euphorbium were still blooming and a few Four Nerve daisies had flowers. Some self-sown bluebonnets were looking very robust!

Indoors, Buffy had received a very interesting gift - one of those self-contained, lighted herb gardens. Her basil crop was ready to use and we were the beneficiaries!

Buffy used the basil to make capressi salad along with a favorite recipe to make tender, juicy, delicious fried chicken.

Dessert was a special Strawberry cake and it was delicious.

We didn’t need the dining room table with only four Divas there for lunch- the kitchen was just fine.

This post 2018 March Buffy’s Garden Day was written by Annie in Austin for the Divas of the Dirt Blog.

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