Saturday, February 03, 2018


Although the winter of 2016-2017 as a whole was warmer than average, when the few really cold days hit they really hit! On the morning of the planned meeting day the low was 18F.

The Divas wanted to try a new restaurant and Sugar suggested Snooze – a Denver-based “A.M. dining experience”. It was crowded but the food was fine and they had a great time. On a hot day a crowded restaurant might not be fun, but on a cold day Crowded is Cozy!
It was a good start to the year ahead.

 (I’m not sure whether this photo came from Mattie or Mindy. Glinda (that’s me) blurred the photo to remove the other restaurant patrons.)

This post 2017 – JANUARY PLANNING MEETING was written by Diva Glinda/Annie in Austin for the blog.