Next time you see us we'll be back in our gardening clothes - here's hoping 2009 will be a good gardening year for all of you and all of us.

Hello from The Divas of the Dirt, a group of Austin women who garden with and for each other in the heart of Central Texas. Our current adventures appear at this Divas of the Dirt blog. Stories and photos going back to 2001 are archived at our Archive Blog . Recipes appear at our Cooking With The Divas of the Dirt Blog.
More than a dozen years ago, a few Austin women used their artistic and horticultural talents, muscle power, assorted garden tools and legendary Texan shopping skills to form a cooperative gardening group, with each friend getting one turn as hostess each year. Some of our meetings have resulted in dramatic garden transformations; other times the focus is help with garden maintenance.
We've all benefited from the friendships forged through sharing hard work, horticultural knowledge, brilliant inspirations, food & laughter.
The Divas have no agenda except to help each other; no laws, just simple guidelines based in courtesy and fairness; no aim but to have fun while we work together.